Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) Accredited Learning Center
What is MDSE Accreditation?
Accreditation is one of the highest stamps of quality within the early childhood education industry. It means that we have chosen to go beyond state regulatory requirements to provide the highest quality child care services. As part of the process, we follow a strategy of self-study, program improvement, and external program review. This publicly confirms that we meet research-based, best practices in early childhood education.
What accreditation means for your child:
Berlin Education Station implements policies relating to high quality education, parent involvement, and community outreach. In other words, we do our best to adequately prepare your child for school and a lifetime of learning.
USDA Disclosure:
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.

Download the Procare App on Google Play or Apple I-store to follow your child's daily activities!

Download the PB&J TV app on Google Play or Apple I-store to WATCH your child's daily activities from our classroom cameras!

Our Philosophy
Our philosophy is to provide a nurturing environment of creativity and curiosity through the emersion of curriculum and physical education promoting a foundation through mind body and spirit.
Our enriching curriculum and age-specific classrooms provide a learning environment conducive to a strong academic foundation for public school. We provide children with the opportunity to explore in a safe, nurturing environment. We have incorporated healthy meals, sound mind, and movement as part of your child's daily activities.
Berlin Education Station is fully accredited and Maryland Excels rated us at the "Very Highest for Quality Care in Maryland, we pride ourselves on having the best facility, the best teachers and all around best educational experience for your child 6 weeks to 15 years old!
Why Choose Us?
An All Inclusive Experience
The Area's Most Prestigious High Technology, Secure Learning Environment for Active Kids!
We offer a state-of-the-art magnetic lock door system with coded entry. This system ensures enhanced security and convenience, allowing authorized access through a secure code entry mechanism.​
Ability to log into the Procare App to follow your children's daily activities and communicate directly with their teachers. Stay connected and informed about your child's day, all in one convenient place.​​
Parents can live stream their children's classroom through the PB&J TV app. Stay connected and watch your child's activities in real-time, ensuring you're always in the loop with their daily experiences.
We Are An Assessment Based Learning Center
All children develop and grow at varying rates and while age is a good starting point to determine social readiness for preschool, it is not the only aspect. Many early learning centers choose to transition children at birthdays; however, Berlin Education Station uses Early Preschool as a starting point to transition children at the natural school year (June and/or August), once various social, emotional and physical milestones have been met. This minimizes transitions for our little ones and allows children to move classrooms with familiar faces, giving them a sense of community and security as they grow and learn.
Physical education is integrated in to the daily curriculum as preschool students spend ample time each day engaging in a structured physical activity class within the Berlin Activities Depot.
Vigorous physical play to promote gross motor development and allow for better concentration during academic times.
Social free-play to foster important social skills and emotional development.
Small class sizes so when it does come time to learn early reading skills, children have individualized instruction to feel confident in their abilities.
A respect and understanding that all children develop at varying paces so there is no one-size-fits-all curriculum!

Infant & Toddler
6 weeks - 24 months | New Beginnings Wing
Grow, Learn & Discover In Our Warm Nurturing Environment!
* Extended & Extra Early Care Available *

Creative Caterpillars
6 -20 weeks
Inside the Caterpillar Infant Room we have created a safe, warm place for our youngest learners to develop their bodies, minds and personalities.
The Caterpillar Infant Room is located in our New Beginnings Wing along with our Bees (21 - 40 weeks), Turtles (41 weeks - 14 months ), Toddler Toucans 1 (13 - 18 months) and Talking Toucans 2 (18 - 24 months). All of the programs in the New Beginnings Wing are focused on allowing your child to grow in an environment that stimulates them in an age-appropriate way for this very special time of their learning and development.

Baby Butterflies
21-40 weeks
Our Baby Butterflies is the place to be.....
We aim to engage your baby with purposeful play and promote social interaction through developmentally appropriate gross motor play, songs and curriculum.
The Baby Butterflies Infant Room is located in our New Beginnings Wing along with our Caterpillars (6 - 20 weeks), Turtles (41 weeks - 14 months ), Toddler Toucans 1 (13 - 18 months) and Talking Toucans 2 (18 - 24 months). All of the programs in the New Beginnings Wing are focused on allowing your child to grow in an environment that stimulates them in an age-appropriate way for this very special time of their learning and development.

Tiny Toddler Turtles
41 weeks - 14 months
Tiny Toddler Turtles, 41 weeks to 14 months old milestones include moving and "talking" more than ever before. This is an exciting time as your baby gains more independence and develops new skills. We give your little turtle a place to learn and discover, move and gesture with interactive play time.
The Tiny Toddler Turtles Room is located in our New Beginnings Wing along with our Caterpillars (6 - 20 weeks), Bees (21 - 40 weeks), Toddler Toucans 1 (13 - 18 months) and Talking Toucans 2 (18 - 24 months). All of the programs in the New Beginnings Wing are focused on allowing your child to grow in an environment that stimulates them in an age-appropriate way for this very special time of their learning and development.

Toddler & Talking Toucans
13-18 Months - Toddler Toucans 1
Toddler Toucans 1, 13 - 18 months is the next step. Our Toucans begin phonetic awareness while working on balance and strength, their quest to discover new thing and new independence is discovered.
15-18 months - Talking Toucans 2
Talking Toucans 2, 18 - 24 months...watch out world...language explosion! At this age, your child has developed a personality all of their own. New fine motor skills is the focus in this program.
The Toddler & Talking Toucan Rooms are located in our New Beginnings Wing along with our Caterpillars (6 - 20 weeks) and Turtles (41 weeks - 14 months ). All of the programs in the New Beginnings Wing are focused on allowing your child to grow in an environment that stimulates them in an age-appropriate way for this very special time of their learning and development.

Super Starfish
18-24 months
Super Starfish is our older toddler room where children prepare to transition into two year old classrooms. Starfish love to dance, create, and play as they explore their classroom to learn.
This classroom is focused on allowing your child to grow in an environment that stimulates them in an age-appropriate way for this very special time of their learning and development.
Early Learner Programs
2 -3 year old classes
Fully Accredited, Maryland Excels Rated Level 5
Very Highest for Quality Care & Education
* Extended & Extra Early Care Available *

Jazzy Jellyfish
24-30 months
Jazzy Jellyfish is our early learner two year old classroom. This is where we learn to work together in a classroom with our peers - sharing, cooperative learning, and exploring are the focus.
Using our Investigator Club Curriculum, we explore our classroom and make meaningful connections to our two year old world. We are always moving and grooving as we reach our developmental potential.

Terrific Tiger Twos
2 year olds
Our Terrific Tiger Two's Classroom is focused on fostering creativity and independence for developing their bright young minds! Toddler to early preschool age is a time of ever-expanding curiosity and discovery. At The Berlin Education station we strive to foster that curiosity and focus on providing an environment that promotes self-discovery through hands-on learning and child-directed play.
Walk into our Terrific Tigers Two's Classroom and you will hear music playing and see teachers at child level, on the floor engaging in the learning experience alongside the child. The shelves are filled with toys that encourage curiosity and questioning while
providing a stimulating experience.
Dapper Dolphins
2.5-3.5 year olds
Our Dapper Dolphins Classroom is our early pre-k classroom. This is where children focus on classroom routines and rules as they learn to function in a larger classroom setting. Using our InvestiGator Curriculum, children will develop across all domains of learning.
Walk into our Dapper Dolphins class and you will hear music playing and see teachers at child level, on the floor engaging in the learning experience alongside the child. The shelves are filled with toys that encourage curiosity and questioning while
providing a stimulating experience. You will see children working in small groups together and learning to play independently.